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Is your Referral program recruiter friendly?

Does your Referral program work for your Recruiters ? We always make sure that a referral program is so designed that an employee is able to give us good referrals. However, we often overlook recruiters' comfort while structuring an employee referral program. Your program may turn out be a failure, if you fail in justifying comfort of either employees or recruiters.  The challenge here is to make both ends meet and provide a perfect platform for both the parties. How can you make your referral program a success for your recruiters? 1. Automated Referral Tracking System: It’s time to... Read More

NaukriRecruiter 3.0 – Give an identity to your search for talent


7 effective ways to improve responses to Quick-Jobs

1.  Write a concise and clear Job Title Job title should contain designation, department, industry/sector of the job opening, for example: Senior Expert - Web Engineering (Server Architect) GM/VP/AVP - FINANCE ARD Scientist with US MNC Pharma, Mumbai Practice Leader (Embedded/ CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM) - Global Engineering Services Manager- export market sales-- Middle east, Africa, Turkey, ASEAN countries 2.  Write a complete Job Description More details in job description help job-seekers match their interests and qualifications to the job more easily, which means more... Read More

Why your Referral Program needs to go Mobile

You want BEST TALENT ! Don't you ? And attracting them is your number one challenge as well ? That's because you are searching in the wrong place. Our internal data suggests, 40% jobseekers now search jobs through Mobile. And this number is only going to go North. Naturally, their friends will also be on Mobile. So, if you plan to hire through 'Employee Referral', it is important to move your Referral program to a mobile enabled platform. Your Employees should be able to Easily go through Open Positions in the company Share relevant jobs with friends or Refer them in Single... Read More

Give Stimulus to your existing Referral program. Now !

A well planned and executed 'Employee Referral' program can create a wonderful hiring pipeline. Companies these days are engaging in innovative referral implementation to increase adoption. Are you one of  these ? Does your organization have an balanced referral program yet only few people participate in it ? Employee motivation may be a roadblock here! A common pitfall with recruitment teams is that they fail to motivate employees enough for referrals. Employees may not refer just because they believe it is part of their job responsibility. Employees refer for one or more reasons below... Read More

Does your Referral program work on Mobile ? Make your Referral program Brand Ready   Customize your referral emails effortlessly Use one of our Pre-created Banners   [caption id="attachment_6201" align="aligncenter" width="300"] New Pre-created banner themes[/caption] Help Employees to Share jobs anywhere, anytime Use our Mobile ready mailer versions   [caption id="attachment_6203" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Add color to your referral emails[/caption]   White label the mailers and give a rich look and feel to them select one of our flat and crisp color layouts [caption id="attachment_6069"... Read More

5 ways to enrich your Employee Referral Program

  Automate the Process Let your employees spend little time on referral activity - make it easy for them Inform the employees about referred CVs status at every stage   Clarity on the Job content Employees should be able to understand the job so as to share them; Because - They would not want to spam their friend’s mailbox Ultimately, they are putting their personal reputation at stake   Flexible Reward System Referral benefits should be set wisely, i.e., higher rewards for crucial positions. Employees should be given options to choose their rewards. Read our top... Read More

Top Incentive Ideas to help your Employees refer more !

  You want referrals from Employees !  Sounds great. But you don't have a cash payout policy and worried about it ? Don't be ! Here are some quick sure-shot gift ideas that will make your employees refer their friends, even more -  Provide them with movie tickets/ theater tickets especially a set of Lounge tickets Gift vouchers for shopping are a good option A weekend outing with family with all expenses paid Few Extra Paid leaves (Specially on Monday’s) Free lunch with family at a premium restaurant in town Tickets for a rock show/ Musical concert/ F1 race Electronic... Read More

Get your employee to refer a friend FASTER!

Send multiple jobs instead of single ones Don't flood employee's mailbox with referral mails. Space out referral mails - it gives employee time to find the right talent. Group your Referral jobs into categories Remember that not all your employees have similar work patterns. Categorize the jobs and the recipients according to relevancy and receive apt responses.   Referrals through 'Top of mind Connections' only will not suffice Allow them to invite referrals through their social or personal networks like whatsapp, Alumni groups Expand their horizon and let them give you an... Read More

Learn to tap your employees network, NOW!

  Allow your employees to share your referral job on various social sites Select the option to share on social sites  when sending out your referral mailer; Get unique CV’s through these networks Employees need to Login and share the jobs on their social networks - to their friends and other groups they are part of.   Educate your employees about using ‘Send Email’ feature” This can help you in tapping your employees personal/Professional network in just one click. Employees can easily extract contacts from their Gmail/ LinkedIn account and send the job to their... Read More