NaukriRecruiter – Give an identity to your search for talent
If you are a HR professional, placement/search consultant, a hiring manager or an entrepreneur who is responsible for hiring for his team – NaukriRecruiter is for you. It will make your search for talent more personalized and more effective. With NaukriRecruiter, you can showcase your expertise in recruitment domain and the mandates you are currently hiring.
To join NaukriRecruiter, register with your personal Email-ID at NaukriRecruiter Registration Page.
Verifying your email is mandatory for... Read More
3 ways to get 30% more relevant responses to Naukri jobs
By attaching your NaukriRecruiter profile to your jobs on, relevant responses will increase by 30%.
You can attach NaukriRecruiter profile to your Naukri job in ANY of the following ways:
1. Add your NaukriRecruiter profile email to response email on the job posting form as shown below.
2. If you can't receive job posting responses on your personal email, with which you registered NaukriRecruiter profile, add your NaukriRecruiter profile email in RP Email section as shown below.
3. If you don’t want to add your personal email to job posting on Naukri, login... Read More
Now, Boost your Referral Email Open Rates ! Get more applies

7 ways to increase your followers on NaukriRecruiter
1. Upload your recent photograph
Jobseekers like to know who they are following. Recruiters who have uploaded their photographs get 5X more followers than those who haven't.
Read how to upload your photograph
2. Update your profile
A complete and up-to-date NaukriRecruiter profile gets more relevant job-seekers as job-seekers will be able to evaluate whether they are interested in your hiring profile.
Mention a profile headline and sectors, skills & roles you generally hire for.
3. Invite your Contacts to follow you
Send out invitations to your job-seeker contacts to... Read More
Naukri Referral Tool – Referral and status mailers sent to your Employees

Quick steps to get started with NaukriRecruiter
1. Activate your profile and go visible
Jobseekers will not be able to discover you unless you verify your primary email and activate your profile. Click on the email verification link sent to you to activate your account
2. Upload your recent personal photograph
Your profile views will be 6X and your follower network will be 5X if your personal photo is uploaded in your account.
Read Why you should have your photograph on NaukriRecruiter.
Login using your primary Email ID at Upload your recent personal photograph to increase visibility and... Read More
Get applies from Premium Institute Candidates, easily !

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How to upload photograph on your NaukriRecruiter profile?
Enter your NaukriRecruiter login email and password. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it using your email address.
After logging in, click on upload photo.
You should choose a current and professional head-shot that has high resolution and clarity.
Crop your photo to ensure that your face is clearly visible. Click upload.Check how your photo appears on your profile.
If you have posted any jobs using your NaukriRecruiter profile, your photograph will start appearing automatically on those... Read More
Why should you have your photograph on NaukriRecruiter?
1. Build your personal brand
Your photograph makes your profile easily recognizable. It distinguishes you from other recruiters of similar name.
2. Increase your follower network
Your follower network will be 5x larger if you have uploaded your photograph than if you haven’t.
3. Enhance credibility of your jobs and Resdex emails
Jobs on get 40% more responses if they have recruiter photo attached. Resdex emails get 11% more responses with photo profile attached. By adding a face behind your name, the credibility of your jobs and emails... Read More