Naukri Referral Tool – Referral and status mailers sent to your Employees

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Naukri Referral Tool allows you to not just manage your Employee Referral program effectively but also maintain transparency between different stakeholders of your Referral program.

3 groups involved in your Employee referral program are  –

  1. Company and HR team (You)
  2. Company Employees (Your Referring Employees)
  3. Referred Candidates (Your Employees’ friends)

The success of your Employee Referral program depends  to a large extent on the Transparency and flow of information between different groups party to the process.

Are you able to share all information with the right stakeholders at the right time ?
Naukri Referral Tool allows you just that !

Lets go through different mailers sent to Employees and their friends at different stages in the process –

Employee Referral Mailer

Sender – Recruiter (HR team); Sent to – Employees
This is
the mailer HR team sends out to employees requesting for referrals.
Have a sample below –

Referral mailer to employees

Employee sharing Referral mail to Friends

Sender – Employee; Sent to – Friends
Employee can share Referral jobs to friends in 1 click.
Interface below –

employees share referral jobs with friends in 1 click

This referral job notification to employees goes from HR team’s id. Have a sample below –

Referral job shared by Employee to friends

Referral CV upload notification to jobseeker (friend)

Sent on behalf of – HR team ; Sent to – Friend
When an employee, refers a friend by uploading CV for a referral job, a notification mailers is sent to the friend.
Mailer sample below –

Referred friend gets notification

Referral status mailer to Employees

Sent on behalf of – HR team ; Sent to – Employees
This mailer tells an Employee -status of referrals done by her.
Sent as a weekly mailer on Monday – captures any change in referral status by HR team.
Mailer sample below –

Employee get status notification for all referrals

For any queries, contact us at

Happy Referral Hiring !
Naukri Referral Team