Tag Archives: Tips

New Improved Saved Search Alert Mailers

You can now stay on top of all the new matching CVs coming into Resdex with the help of New Improved Saved Search Alert Mailers. We have revamped the mailer to help show unique CVs in each alert mailer. As a result, you will not be seeing same profiles in subsequent saved search alert mailers - a common concern previously! So, go ahead - Save all your important searches - CLICK HERE to learn how to Save Searches  Create alerts against those saved searches  Receive new matching CVs in your email   Below is the summary of changes – The Saved Search Alert... Read More

How to Save Search and Set Alerts in Resdex?

You can save your searches and set alerts by following the below steps- Execute a Search Click on "Save Search" link beside the New Search button in the Search Result Page A pop-up will open. Enter a unique name for your Saved Search and check the checkbox below to enable Alert Mailers for the Saved Search. You can set daily/weekly/monthly alerts as per your requirement. Click on Add - A new saved search is created!    Happy Recruiting! -Resdex Product Team

Walkin Emails to Job seekers

The new Resdex Create Email Page now allows recruiters to send Walkin Emails to job-seekers. In the Walkin emails, the users can add additional information regarding the Walkin Event which are not available in normal Email. Additional fields in Walkin Email are as follows - Start Date Duration Daily Timing Venue BENEFITS OF USING WALKIN MAILERS Along with the Venue, users will also have the option to add the Google Map link of the venue's location in the email. With the help of these links, the job-seeker can easily view the location of the Walkin venue on... Read More

New fields “May Prefer” added to Fresher Profiles in Resdex to help Fresher hiring !

A new field - May Prefer has been added to the profiles of inexperienced Fresher candidates in Resdex in order to boost their chances of getting reviewed by recruiters for relevant openings. This field lists the top job-title and keyword preferences of the jobseeker. These are not explicitly mentioned by the jobseekers but are computed analytically from the jobseeker’s usage pattern on the Naukri platform – a help text to the same effect has been provided for in the CV View Page beside the May Prefer field. The May Prefer field, if available, will be visible in SRP tuple and CV View... Read More

New field “May Also Know” in Resdex to help recruiters find the most relevant candidates !

A new field "May Also Know" has been added to CV Profiles in Resdex in order to help retruiters make a more informed decision during their screening process. "May Also know” skills are not explicitly mentioned by the candidate but rather has been computed  by the system using Machine Intelligence by analyzing the candidate’s uploaded CV. This field is shown in the Search Result Page candidate tuples as well as in the CV Detail Page (more…)

How to copy Google URL of your venue in Walkin Email?

The new Resdex Create Email Page allows recruiters to send Walkin Emails to job-seekers. In these walkin Emails, the recruiters have the option to send the Google Map link of the venue. With the help of these links, the job-seeker can easily view the location of the Walkin venue on their devices. Please follow the following steps to share the location of your Walkin Venue in the Email. Step - 1 In the Create Email Page, toggle "This mail is for walkin interview" to  Yes Step - 2 Fill in the additional  mandatory fields for Walkin Email - Start Date, Duration, Daily... Read More

Job Posting: Tips (contd.)

The last one is Candidate's Profile. This is definitely the most important one since an accurate description will attract the most appropriate candidate. Candidate profiles must be clearly categorized between what I would call the Must have, preferable and desirable parameters. What do I mean by each of these categories. MUST HAVES This is the mandatory stuff. The parameters which the candidate has to compulsorily fulfill to be considered for the job. For e.g for the role of a Software programmer at Microsoft the candidate had to be an engineer with a major in either computer science... Read More

Job Posting: Tips (contd.)

Now Job Description is another difficult one. In recent times organizations have pretty much stopped creating job descriptions, making it even more difficult to come across a good one. A job description is a "Pen Portrait" which should help the potential candidate to "Visualize" the job - in a manner that is pleasing. At the same time job descriptions cannot be a play of words, providing no clarity. Job Descriptions should clearly explain the following: 1. The Key Result Areas - what is the individual expected to be delivering and will be assessed upon. Note: KRAs also tend to be very... Read More

Job Posting: Tips

A job posting is the candidate's first glimpse of the organization that he or she wishes to apply to. A job posting which provides the relevant information which will help the candidate to arrive at an accurate picture of the organization and the position will make a world of a difference. There are some standard pieces of information that the job posting should include. These are: 1. Organizational Profile 2. Designation 3. Location 4. Reporting relationship 5. Reporters(if relevant) 6. Remuneration range 7. Job Description 8. Candidate Profile While Points 2-6 is pretty straight forward... Read More