Send multiple jobs instead of single ones
Don't flood employee's mailbox with referral mails.
Space out referral mails - it gives employee time to find the right talent.
Group your Referral jobs into categories
Remember that not all your employees have similar work patterns.
Categorize the jobs and the recipients according to relevancy and receive apt responses.
Referrals through 'Top of mind Connections' only will not suffice
Allow them to invite referrals through their social or personal networks like whatsapp, Alumni groups
Expand their horizon and let them give you an... Read More
Allow your employees to share your referral job on various social sites
Select the option to share on social sites when sending out your referral mailer;
Get unique CV’s through these networks
Employees need to Login and share the jobs on their social networks - to their friends and other groups they are part of.
Educate your employees about using ‘Send Email’ feature”
This can help you in tapping your employees personal/Professional network in just one click.
Employees can easily extract contacts from their Gmail/ LinkedIn account and send the job to their... Read More
Get more with Employee Referrals - Engage Better, Hire Better
Try out the unique ways to invite referrals
Your Employees can now share jobs with friends in multiple ways -
Share on Social Media in 1-click
Send Referral Jobs to Gmail and LinkedIn friends
Share on mobile to whatsapp, other messengers
Upload Referral CVs on your branded page
Target the right audience and increase the recall value
Invite referrals from a specific department to increase the relevant responses
Share the launch kit PPT with the employees before the referral launch
Set automatic reminders for... Read More
Employee Referral
Employee Referral is no doubt, getting established as an important source of hiring in lot of companies. Among these, companies that have been using employee referral as a dominant source of hiring are now looking to increase adoption and effectiveness.
It is in this process that companies are experimenting with different approaches to take employee referral one step further.
New Experiments
Social Employee Referral, Employee referral on mobile along with partial automation of the whole process are some of the new ideas on the block. Technology is the key enabler... Read More
Low hiring via employee referral? Boost your referral hiring!
You may have one of the best employee referral programs across industry but it may not yield expected results if employees are not interested or aware about it.
Use top recommendations below to get your employees interested -
Attach a handsome incentive to your referrals
Make your referral jobs more competitive; Receive more relevant responses.
Employees tend to share the positions more if there is an incentive attached.
Set higher rewards for urgent and niche profiles.
Increase motivation; Pay more... Read More
I. What is a group email-id ?
A group email-id is a mail alias or email group for sending emails to multiple or all employees at one go. For example
II. Why sending referral email to a group email-id is Not a good idea ?
Lost tracking
Naukri referral system treats this email-id as one and does not have information on employees who are part of this group.
This information is not fetched from outlook to maintain security of your company data.
This means when an employee refers a person, your tracker will still display the group email-id as the referrer. This... Read More
You must be already aware of how you can use a Naukri job to invite referrals from employees.
What if you want to invite Referrals but do not have a job posted on Naukri ?
What if there are some positions in your company which are open round-the-year and you do not want to post a job for the same ?
Well, you can use the General CV option in the Naukri referral tool to invite employee referrals for such cases.
What is the ‘General CV’ option ?
A General CV option allows you to seek referrals for a specific Job Title / Team Name/ Department name/ Any other generic grouping from your... Read More
Employee referral is a cost-effective way of finding the right talent through your employees’ network. Recruiters share open vacancies to their employees who in turn refer their contacts for these positions. Candidates referred by current employees are more likely to be aware about the organization’s culture. Also, research suggests that an employer is 7 times more* likely to hire a candidate coming through an employee referral than if the candidate applies through a non-referral route
*Source:, Sullivan associates, Career Xroads, Naukri Internal Research
Salient... Read More
Naukri Referral tool allows you Import your Contacts from multiple sources like your Microsoft Outlook, your LinkedIn account, from excel.
Contacts can be imported and desired email-ids can be saved as contact lists in the system.
Click on the tabs below to know how to extract email contacts from various sources.
LinkedIn Account
Outlook 2003/2007
Outlook 2010
Upload from Excel
You can easily download your LinkedIn contacts to a "csv" file and upload the same -
You can easily extract your Outlook contacts to a "csv" file and upload these on Referral tool page to... Read More