Category Archives: Job Posting

Promote your workplace along with Job Posting…

Do you wish to promote your brand to jobseekers? Do you have a great workplace you want to tell people about? Does your company boast of a great work culture? The jobs you post on Naukri can now do all this for you! Naukri Job Posting has become even more powerful. Our new showcase feature with Job Posting product, allows you to add photos and presentations to your job. The following changes now make photo/presentation feature even more powerful - 1. Upload photos and presentation to the job directly Previously only super user could add photos/ppt to the repository. Recruiters... Read More

You can now add Photos and Presentations to your Job Postings!

We have introduced a new feature to add Photos and Presentations to your Job Posting. These would be displayed to the jobseeker on the Job Description (JD) page. This feature is intended to work for you as a branding tool so that you can promote/advertise your company to jobseekers better. You can either upload photos of your office facility and people (building, employee work space, cafeteria, office personnel etc.) or upload a corporate presentation that you would like jobseekers to go through. As of now, we have limited the access of this feature to Companies that – a) Have an... Read More

New Manage Jobs Interface!

We have introduced a new Manage Jobs Interface which will provide the convenience of managing job postings (edit, refresh, delete, broadcast) and viewing responses on one single page. Detailed list of changes/improvements in the new interface Manage Jobs and View Responses functionalities for all jobs (including eApps) will be clubbed together and shown on one single page. The name of the tab in the Global Navigation Bar will change to Jobs & Responses and all the  links currently appearing under ‘Jobs’ and ‘Responses’ tab will now appear clubbed under this... Read More

Edit & Refresh a Job in One Go !

Now you can Edit and Refresh a job on the site in one easy step. When you are editing a job, you will also have an option to ‘Post & Refresh’ it on the preview and confirmation page. Clicking this button will post the job with the applied changes and also refresh it to ensure better visibility and higher ranking on the site. Click image to enlarge

Now, Job Postings using XML Feeds

Posting jobs on Naukri has become even easier and faster. We have launched a new interface 'Test an XML' that will help you in parsing your XML files before you upload your jobs on Naukri using the XML feed method. What is an XML Feed? An XML (Extensible Markup Language) file can contain information about multiple job postings. When you send your XML file to Naukri, it is known as an XML feed. So, by using an XML feed you can post multiple jobs on Naukri without having to fill up the job posting forms for each of them. Why use an XML Feed? XML postings would be a seamless process. Using... Read More

Refreshing Jobs – It’s Automatic, It’s Easier!

As we have observed over time that recruiters sometimes visit the website just to refresh the job they have posted recently. So, just to ease off this iteration and provide you with a comfortable experience with the site, we thought of automating this process too, providing you with "Recurring Refresh". With this feature added in the Job Posting forms, and in the Manage Jobs Section, the Users can set automatic Job Refreshes at predefined Time Intervals without even visiting the site. First, you need to set the Recurrence Pattern to Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly, to define the... Read More

Shortlisting Applications Just Got Easier!!

We know that recruiters spend a lot of time to painstakingly go through each of the hundreds of applications that come in to the Inbox. In order manage those applications better we've only gone so far as to set a rule in Outlook to directly send responses coming for a particular job into separate folders. But is there more that can be done? For instance, if there was a way to quickly decide which application is worth a view, and which one is not, without opening an e-Mail, that would significantly increase the productivity of a recruiter. With our two new features, ‘Customize Subject... Read More

Job Posting: Rejection Criteria

The criterion based on which a company rejects a resume is one of the central aspects of screening and is called the REJECTION CRITERIA. Accordingly it is most imperative that the Job Posting aims to cover these aspects in the appropriate way possible. Some of the common forms of rejection criterion are: 1. Candidate should not be more than "35years old" or candidate should have a "minimum" of 15 years of experience. 2. Knowledge of the local language (Tamil) is a must. 3. Candidate should be open to travel and job relocation. In fact, I firmly believe Rejection criteria should... Read More

Job Posting: Tips (contd.)

The last one is Candidate's Profile. This is definitely the most important one since an accurate description will attract the most appropriate candidate. Candidate profiles must be clearly categorized between what I would call the Must have, preferable and desirable parameters. What do I mean by each of these categories. MUST HAVES This is the mandatory stuff. The parameters which the candidate has to compulsorily fulfill to be considered for the job. For e.g for the role of a Software programmer at Microsoft the candidate had to be an engineer with a major in either computer science... Read More

Job Posting: Tips (contd.)

Now Job Description is another difficult one. In recent times organizations have pretty much stopped creating job descriptions, making it even more difficult to come across a good one. A job description is a "Pen Portrait" which should help the potential candidate to "Visualize" the job - in a manner that is pleasing. At the same time job descriptions cannot be a play of words, providing no clarity. Job Descriptions should clearly explain the following: 1. The Key Result Areas - what is the individual expected to be delivering and will be assessed upon. Note: KRAs also tend to be very... Read More