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How to use eApps to manage responses to Job Postings

How to use e apps response manager to make from Nilotpal Paul

Experience the power of Employee Referrals – Search through the attached Referral CVs

In most companies, Employee Referrals either already contribute a dominant percentage of hiring or is emerging as a new, dependable source of hiring. The current process however, is set up on a email based flow. This means that employees forward these CVs on email to recruiter or upload it on company site which is again sent to the recruiter on email. Although the system ensures a lot of CVs, the recruiter handling employee referrals ends up manually going through each CV to find the relevant lot. With Naukri Referral Tool we have tried to make this task easier and simpler for you. You can... Read More

How to access, search and follow NaukriRecruiter Profiles?

The NaukriRecruiter profiles can be accessed in the following ways: a) Home Page Navigation Panel [caption id="attachment_4653" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption=" Home Page"][/caption] b) My Naukri Left Navigation Panel in the section "Recruiters on Naukri" [caption id="attachment_4655" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="My Naukri Page - Link to NaukriRecruiter Search Page"][/caption] Once you are on the NaukriRecruiter Profiles page, you can search for recruiters based on KEYWORDS & LOCATION. In keywords you can mention the industries and... Read More

How to access recruiter updates?

a)  The recruiter updates will be available on your My Naukri Page. [caption id="attachment_4663" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="My Naukri Recruiter Updates"][/caption] b) Recruiter updates can also be accessed from the "Recruiter Updates" Link under "Recruiter on Naukri" [caption id="attachment_4665" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Recruiter Updates"][/caption]

How to stop following a NaukriRecruiter profile?

You can manage the NaukriRecruiter profiles that you follow by visiting the Manage Recruiters section of your Naukri Account. You can visit their NaukriRecruiter profiles by clicking on their Names. You can choose to stop following any recruiter profile by clicking on the unfollow link.

NaukriRecruiter – FAQs by jobseekers

1. What are Recruiter Profiles? Recruiters can now create their profiles on NaukriRecruiter and post jobs in these profiles which jobseekers can apply to. NaukriRecruiter features the profiles of some of the most prolific recruiters in the country. These profiles contain the jobs posted by the recruiters not only on Naukri but also on other job portals. 2. What benefit do I get from the NaukriRecruiter profiles? As a jobseeker you can search and follow the recruiter profiles in NaukriRecruiter. Following recruiter profiles keep you updated about the latest jobs posted by them and... Read More

Top Benefits of using Naukri’s Referral Tool

  Naukri Employee Referral Tool is geared to suit the requirements of an evolving referral policy. It not just helps you streamline your referral process but also helps you get applies from your Employee's network. Top Reasons below - why it can work wonders for you ! 1. Automates the Referral Process 2. Reaches out to Passive Candidates as well 3. Increases the Viral Reach of your Job 4. Apply is Single Click 5. Everything collated in a Single Place 6. Reports to streamline Payout Process Read more below... Awesome. Isn't it ! Want to see how it works... Read More

Basics of an Employee Referral Program

  Is your Employee Referral program working for you ? Are you getting the right applications ? Lets go through the basic rules that your employee referral program should follow. Reach out to Employees Employees and their network are the backbone of any employee referral program. Make sure you are reaching out to them in the right earnest. Use a Referral Tool that allows employees to share openings to their friends and networks. Employees' friends can be a good source of relevant candidates if tapped properly. Also, Sending a simple mailer to employees may not be... Read More

You now have access to eApps BASIC – the most powerful applicant search. FREE of cost!

We are sure that the Naukri Hot Vacancy Job Posting form has been working well for you. However selecting the right applicant from the pool of Job Posting responses must have been a daunting task till now. Not anymore! Naukri now gives you access to the most powerful candidate search and a host of other features along with your Hot Vacancy subscription. You would be used to receiving responses on Email or managing them online on Basic Response Viewer (BRV). You now have access to the limited version of our powerful Response Manager eApps, as eApps BASIC, along with your Hot Vacancy Job... Read More

How Employee Referral Program helps your company build a brand for itself ?

Have you ever thought that who talks the most about your company ? Who speaks of it day-in, day-out in almost all her conversations? Look no far ! Its your Employee. It is a well known fact that employees beam of a lot impressions about their employer in the market. It is even more true in case of prospective candidates looking to apply in your company! Employee Referrals are a great source of building and bettering your brand amongst your future employees. Consider this, all your best job descriptions and beautiful placement presentations can never match the impression a happy... Read More