Basics of an Employee Referral Program

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Is your Employee Referral program working for you ?
Are you getting the right applications ?

Lets go through the basic rules that your employee referral program should follow.

Reach out to Employees
Employees and their network are the backbone of any employee referral program.
Make sure you are reaching out to them in the right earnest.

Use a Referral Tool that allows employees to share openings to their friends and networks.
Employees’ friends can be a good source of relevant candidates if tapped properly.

Also, Sending a simple mailer to employees may not be enough. Employees need to be reminded about the same. Choose a referral tool that helps you schedule automatic reminder to employees.

Reward Employees
Are you running an employee program without Referral incentives ? Think Again !
Incentive based Employee Referral programs are generally more successful
and long lasting as compared to non-incentive based programs.
Employees tend to share the positions more if there is a Referral Benefit attached to it.

There is no harm in paying to your employees a fraction of what you would have paid to your hiring consultant.
Even with incentives Employee Referrals work out to be much cheaper and faster.

Always Close the feedback loop
Keep your employees updated about the status of their application.
Make your Employees feel a part of the overall system.
Informed employees will provide help your job go viral and also provide better referrals.

Read more in the ppt below.

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