Monthly Archives: January 2021

Introducing Mobile Branding Solutions

The latest addition to our Employer Branding Portfolio In today’s hyper-competitive global market, having a sterling employer brand can help you edge out competitors and attract top talent.  Whether it’s good work-life balance, job security or a pleasant work environment, it’s important for any employer to communicate these value propositions to potential candidates by creating a strong employer brand . However, despite the fact that more and more jobseekers now use mobile devices for job search, most recruiters still follow employer-branding strategies designed for desktop. In... Read More

Introducing Resdex Enterprise

Resdex Enterprise is a next generation talent-sourcing platform launched exclusively for our high value customers. The platform leverages advanced AI / ML to help recruiters find the right talent faster & powerful data analytics to derive useful insights from complex recruitment data for a smarter decision-making. It also offers a set of exclusive features that drive greater efficiency in the recruitment process.  Let’s know more about this platform 1. Advanced AI / ML Personalized Search: Our advanced AI/ML algorithms... Read More