Add Walk-in Venue and Map URL to your classified posting
Now attach Venue, Maps to your Classified Walk-in jobs
How to add Venue /Map URL to your job in 3 simple steps ?
Under walk-in section of your classified Job, mention your Date -Time for walk-in
Choose your venue. Naukri now allows you to mention your walk-in venue
You can choose to attach a map by mentioning map URL for your venue
For any queries, email us at
Happy Hiring !
Naukri Team
Securing your Naukri account against unauthorized CV Download
In continuation of our efforts to improve security for client accounts/data and curb unauthorized access/hacking, we are adding a layer of security over client quota utilization.
Quota mis-utilization cases are increasing due to hackers using advanced and complex phishing techniques. Such episodes result in huge losses both for the clients as well as Naukri.
To safeguard client account, we are rolling out a new security feature, authorization code prompt in case of high quota utilization.
Details below -
In case a user bulk- downloads CVs from Resdex in Excel format or does... Read More
GST Requirement for Naukri Customers
From 1st July 2017, GST details will be mandatory for all Indian clients.
Taxes will be applied based on the registered address in the client's account.
In case GST details are not available, we shall have to treat you as an unregistered entity under GST law and input tax credit on GST amount paid cannot be claimed.
Please find below details of GST process for Naukri customers.
How to update GST information in your account -
1. Update Directly from your Naukri Account
Login to your Naukri account and go to company Profile page
2. Send GST details by... Read More
Naukri Featured Listings
Naukri Featured Listings
- Powerful way to stay on Top of Jobseeker's Mind
What are Featured listings ?
Naukri Featured Listing is a paid job posting product - a job earns the right during the week to appear on top of all other job search results for a job seeker, when the job posting matches the search criteria.
Featured listings provide you following advantages-
Get featured on the top slots on Naukri search page
Stay ahead of your competition and get the attention that your job deserves
Get a featured listing icon attached with your job on SRP for attracting... Read More
Make your Job Posting Apply Process Seamless
Do you post jobs on Naukri and get candidates to redirect to your site for apply ?
If yes, then this blog is for you.
To know more about this process, reach us at
Happy hiring,
Naukri team
Now attach Venue, Maps to your Walk-in jobs
Walk-in Jobs on Naukri are now more powerful than ever !
Use smart features to plan your Walk-in event seamlessly and
to boost your conversions.
Now attach Venue, Maps to your Walk-in jobs
How to enable - Venue /Map URL for your walk-in job in 3 simple steps ?
Under walk-in section mention your Date -Time for walk-in
Choose your venue. Naukri now allows you to mention your walk-in venue
You can choose to attach a map by mentioning map URL for your venue
For any queries, email us at
Happy Hiring !
Naukri Team
Introducing SMART SAJE (Job Emails) in Resdex
We, at Naukri Resdex, have introduced a new way for recruiters to send SAJE (Send a Job as Email) mails to jobseekers.
We have reduced the lengthy process of sending a SAJE to a simple 3 click operation.
Click on Send Job Mail button from the Advanced Search Page
Select a Job
Preview and Send Job Mail
The entire operation of searching and selecting relevant candidates against the job has been automated.
There is no need for the user to understand the job-summary, try to construct an appropriate search query against the same, execute the query and then send out... Read More
Introducing Enterprise Resdex – Personalized Candidate Search Experience
Enterprise Resdex - Personalized Search, Driving Value
What is Enterprise Resdex ?
The idea of Enterprise Resdex is to deliver higher value through a Personalized Candidate Search Experience, created basis individual requirements and hence available to the specific user/company.
Salient Features
Enterprise Resdex is being built using Recruiters hiring patterns and learns from recruiters behavior to enrich itself. In simple words, it works on a self-learning mechanism.
As phase I of this product, following features are being introduced which will be supplemented with more in... Read More
OTP based Secure Login for Naukri recruiters
For enhancing security of all user accounts – an additional layer of security using One-Time Password (OTP) for login has been added.
This will help in preventing unauthorized access in Recruitment Solutions account.
OTP based Security is mandatory for all users.
What it means for each user–
On suspicious login, user will be prompted for OTP
OTP will be sent on verified email ID (all users need to register unique and verified email IDs as login username. Learn more)
The user will need to provide the correct OTP for successful login.
If verified mobile... Read More
Introducing Branded Mailers in Resdex
We have added a new type of mailers – Branded Emails in Resdex. Please find the details below –
What are Branded Emails?
Branded Emails are a new variant of emails with option to add the client/company Logo in the mailers for a more personalized mail
Branded Emails are currently available in two new themes – Style 1 and Style 2
These will be available for Resdex users basis additional top up subscription. ( currently available for Resdex Quota Based Subscriptions only)
How can you avail Branded Mailers ?
Branded Emails are separate from Emails which are currently... Read More