Recent Posts

Introducing Similar CV Recommendations

We're thrilled to introduce our latest update, designed to transform how you discover potential candidates. When you review three or more CVs, our system strategically presents relevant CV recommendations, seamlessly integrating them into your workflow. This means top-quality candidate profiles appear immediately after your recent actions, optimizing your process and simplifying candidate exploration. By offering recommendations based on multiple CV views, we ensure you have access to the best candidates, not just recommendations for a single CV. Placing CV suggestions after viewing... Read More

Enhancing Resdex Comments: A Productivity Boost for Recruiters

We are excited to announce upcoming changes in the Resdex comments functionality, aimed at empowering recruiters with enhanced productivity tools. These improvements are designed to streamline the process of entering and retrieving structured information, providing recruiters with valuable insights for better decision-making. Let's delve into the new features and benefits that this update will bring. What is the Update? The Resdex comments functionality is undergoing significant enhancements to provide recruiters with a more structured and efficient commenting experience. With the... Read More

Empowering Diversity Hiring Through New Job Posting Features – Now Target Women Candidates more powerfully

As part of our continued commitment towards creating a diverse and inclusive workforce, we are excited to introduce two new features on our job posting form form: 'Women candidate preferred' and 'Exclusive for Women'. The 'Exclusive for Women' feature, on the other hand, showcases the job opening exclusively to female candidates. This can help you meet specific gender representation goals and mandates in your organization. Jobs marked as "Exclusive for Women" will also be tagged and highlighted separately for easy recognition. The 'Women candidate preferred' feature showcases the... Read More

Updated ‘Keywords used in filters’ field on the Advanced Search form for a more streamlined search experience

We are excited to announce a new update to the ‘Keywords used in filters’ field on the Advanced Search form. With this update, users will only be able to add or delete chips in the ‘Keywords used in filters’ field on the Advanced Search form instead of the keywords getting represented in boolean form. Previously, when a user added a keyword on the Search Results Page to filter the results, a chip would be created for the keyword. But when the recruiter clicks ‘modify’, the keywords used to get converted to Boolean on the Advanced Search form. To bring... Read More

New Manage Search Page: Easier Navigation, Additional Filters & Sharing Capabilities

The new and improved Manage Search Page is live. You will find the revamped version even more user-friendly and consistent in design with the other Resdex pages.  Here's the new UI! This update will enable you to understand the details of your saved searches better and access new profiles meeting your search criteria with ease. Now you can find the right candidate in a shorter time frame. Let's see how - Most commonly used functions are now placed upfront New filter basis date of creation now available. Saved searches can now be shared with specific team... Read More

‘Manage Jobs and Responses (MJR)’ Page gets a facelift

We’ve given the ‘Manage Jobs and Responses’ Page a fresh look and feel. Enhance your productivity and take optimal actions quickly. A host of frequently used functions have been brought up upfront: Filters to view jobs posted by a specific user or jobs based on their statusActive jobs now have “edit job” and “refresh job” buttons, and expired jobs now have a “repost job” button readily visible Additionally, a new feature, “Smart Nudge to Refresh Job,” alerts recruiters of jobs expiring in 7 days, with an upfront “refresh” button to help generate more... Read More

Resdex Super-user licensing structure revamp. Now go hassle free!

At Naukri, our efforts are always focused on making the user experience and hiring process hassle free, simple and effective for recruiters. Keeping these at the core we constantly keep upgrading the Resdex platform. This is an outcome of our ingrained philosophy of – constant improvement. We have updated Naukri’s licensing structure to make the Superuser experience hassle free, convenient and faster.   Superusers will now see an option in proxy login and Manage sub-user page – to allot a Resdex subscription to their ID. They can choose to assign the Resdex... Read More

Introducing Applicant Insights. Now you can screen better candidates faster!

Finding a perfect candidate is like finding a needle in the haystack! In our numerous conversations with recruiters, we learnt that if the ‘Resume Screening’ step is optimized, the entire hiring process can become a lot smoother and efficient for them. This is where Applicant Insights comes into play! Applicant Insights will help recruiters find their target candidate faster and with ease. It provides recruiters with an instant and easy to understand view of the available candidate pool against specific sourcing criteria like salary, notice period, skills, present company,... Read More

Now manage folders with ease

Recruiter productivity is the most under-rated game changer when we think of making the hiring process better both in terms of quality and efficiency. Hence, it has been an area of major focus for us. As part of this series of updates, we have updated the Manage Folder Page on our platform. The updated ‘Manage Folder’ page is even more dynamic and comes packed with powerful features. The folders can now be filtered as per date of creationYou can share folders with specific teammates nowThe name of the folders are editableRecently shared folder can now be highlightedAdditionally,... Read More

Resdex CV Details Page gets a contemporary look!

A good UI/UX design provides flawless user experience and improves productivity. With this thought, we at Naukri Resdex, have introduced a fresh new look of CV details page. Along with the new intuitive look, the introduction of new features will also improve the productivity of the user. Limitations on the existing page (Based on feedback from users) • The earlier view looked cluttered with too much of information• Users unware of the call from App option• Important actions not prominently placed• Redundant information on the page What’s New? Important and... Read More