Empowering Diversity Hiring Through New Job Posting Features – Now Target Women Candidates more powerfully

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As part of our continued commitment towards creating a diverse and inclusive workforce, we are excited to introduce two new features on our job posting form form: ‘Women candidate preferred’ and ‘Exclusive for Women’.

The ‘Exclusive for Women’ feature, on the other hand, showcases the job opening exclusively to female candidates. This can help you meet specific gender representation goals and mandates in your organization. Jobs marked as “Exclusive for Women” will also be tagged and highlighted separately for easy recognition.

The ‘Women candidate preferred’ feature showcases the job to all candidates irrespective of gender but helps to signal your intention to prioritize female applicants. This feature is intended to promote gender diversity in industries or roles where women are often underrepresented. The job opening will be showcased to all audiences, but it will be clearly indicated that women applicants are preferred for the role.

These new features are available to all users with Hot Vacancy subscription, reinforcing our mission to make the job market more accessible and inclusive for all. Together, let’s continue fostering a professional environment that celebrates diversity and offers equal opportunities.