Unlocking Deeper Insights: Introducing Enhanced CV Preview

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We are thrilled to announce a significant enhancement to our CV Preview feature that will undoubtedly elevate your candidate evaluation process. With the goal of providing you with a more comprehensive understanding of candidates’ profiles, we’ve incorporated two essential fields into the CV Preview.

What is the Update?

  1. Internship Information: Dive into candidates’ internship details seamlessly as they’re now displayed within the work timeline and the work experience sections. This addition lets you explore candidates’ hands-on experiences effectively.
    In the work timeline:
In the work experience section:

2. CTC Expectations: Now you can access a candidate’s CTC expectations, wherever data is available, directly on the CV details page. This inclusion equips you with vital insights to assess candidate suitability holistically.

Why is this Update Being Done? We are committed to enhancing your decision-making process. By introducing these additional fields, we aim to empower you with deeper insights into candidates’ professional backgrounds and expectations.

Who Gets Impacted? These features are now live and accessible to all RESDEX and RESDEX Enterprise users, ensuring that every recruiter can benefit from these enhancements.