Secure sub user login with unique and verified email ID
All old Naukri sub users need to be migrated to unique and verified email ID.
This is to ensure that each recruiter account offered by Naukri is uniquely identifiable and verified.
This will also prevent unauthorized access in the user accounts, as OTP for verifying suspicious Login can be sent on verified email IDs.
If your login ID is already a valid email address, then please ensure that your email ID verified. Read steps to ensure your email ID is verified.
This policy is mandatory.
There are 2 options for updating sub username:-
1. Online option
Sub user will be... Read More
Mobile number verification for Naukri Recruitment Solutions users
Super User and Sub User mobile Number verification
Super user and Sub users can add their mobile number when they login in their accounts. The mobile number will need to be verified via a One Time Password.
Also, super users can add / change the mobile number of sub users in their company account.
How to update and verify Sub user's Mobile Number?
How to update and verify Super user's Mobile Number?
For any queries please contact
Mobile number verification for sub users
How to add and Verify Mobile number in your Naukri Recruitment SolutionsAccount
You can now add your mobile number in your Naukri account.
The mobile number will need to be verified via a One Time Password.
How will it help ?
Once OTP based Login is enabled for your account –
You may be prompted for additional OTP when you enter username and password to login to your recruiter account
OTP will be sent on verified Email Id.
If verified mobile number exists, OTP will be sent via SMS on your mobile as well
If you are a super user, you can add / change the... Read More
Introducing Secure Login using OTP for Naukri sub users
For enhancing security of user accounts - an additional layer of security using One-Time Password (OTP) for login has been added.
This will help in preventing any unauthorized access in your Recruitment Solutions account.
How to secure login in account from any unauthorized access?
1. Super users can enable OTP based login authentication for users in their account.
2. Once enabled, when a user's login pattern changes, OTP will be sent on the user's verified email ID. In case verified mobile number available in the user's account, OTP will also be sent on Mobile... Read More