Introducing SMART SAJE (Job Emails) in Resdex
We, at Naukri Resdex, have introduced a new way for recruiters to send SAJE (Send a Job as Email) mails to jobseekers.
We have reduced the lengthy process of sending a SAJE to a simple 3 click operation.
Click on Send Job Mail button from the Advanced Search Page
Select a Job
Preview and Send Job Mail
The entire operation of searching and selecting relevant candidates against the job has been automated.
There is no need for the user to understand the job-summary, try to construct an appropriate search query against the same, execute the query and then send out... Read More
Top Benefits of using Naukri’s Referral Tool
Naukri Employee Referral Tool is geared to suit the requirements of an evolving referral policy. It not just helps you streamline your referral process but also helps you get applies from your Employee's network.
Top Reasons below - why it can work wonders for you !
1. Automates the Referral Process
2. Reaches out to Passive Candidates as well
3. Increases the Viral Reach of your Job
4. Apply is Single Click
5. Everything collated in a Single Place
6. Reports to streamline Payout Process
Read more below...
Awesome. Isn't it ! Want to see how it works... Read More
Resdex Search: Feedback Survey!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who were observant to catch 'Feedback' on the Resdex Search results page and diligent enough to tell us about it. We really appreciate your feedback and would be working towards incorporating it.
For those of you who are yet to share your opinion, we would be having a 'Feedback' link on most of the new features that we make live on the site. You can keep sharing your feedback on these features as it helps us to improvise and serve you better.
Happy Recruiting!
Similar Resumes in Response Management
Many a times there are relevant resumes on our database that are 'similar' to the profile you are looking for, but may not match all the criteria you have mentioned in the search form. ‘Similar Resumes', feature uses an intelligent algorithm to suggest resumes alternate to a particular resume in the search results, thereby helping you reach other relevant candidates.
This feature has been tremendously appreciated by our users and they have found this feature useful for searching both IT & Non IT professionals .
Following the success of Similar Resumes in the Candidate Search,... Read More