Introducing new job posting experience for recruiters

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We have built the new job posting form grounds up. Here are key highlights about it:

  1. Smart suggestions for job description
  2. Quick upload of job description
  3. Must-have key skills for better matching
  4. Improved star rating

Pre-filling from past jobs has become a lot easier

The new job snippet feature provides a simple and easy way to pre – fill content from previous jobs. It provides better visibility of past jobs, which was not provided in the older form, and enables recruiters to search easily using job title to find the right job to be used for pre-filling content.

How it works?

When recruiters are posting a job, and if the job is similar to some of the jobs posted earlier recruiters can use the option prefill from previous jobs.

Once you click on it, a separate section opens up listing all previous jobs that have been posted on Naukri. Recruiters can conduct a search with job title to give you an instant list of jobs posted before using the same parameters.

Improved visibility of these past jobs helps recruiters to quickly identify the right job content. A simple click on it would automatically fill content for your current job posting form.

Saves precious time & speeds up your hiring process

Upload job description file (or) create a new one from scratch with JD suggestions

Recruiters can now upload job description file (in doc or pdf format) via the new upload file feature. Our system automatically picks up content from the file and fills the job description section in the form. This feature is available for hot vacancy job posting only.

How it works?

In case you have a job description ready in a word document or in a PDF file, you can upload the content directly by clicking on the upload file option as shown in the image.

You can apply desired formatting to the copied text.

Saves time by avoiding re-writing of the entire job description

System generated suggestions for filling job description

Now you can use system-generated suggestions to quickly create a job description. Select suggestions for roles and responsibilities, desired candidate profile, job benefits & perks to create a job description in just a few clicks. This feature is available for hot vacancy job posting only.

How it works?

While posting a job you can now use ‘suggested job descriptions’ that is available by default in the new job posting form. All you need to do is to click on the insert suggestion button and select appropriate suggestions as per your requirements.

Option to specify “must-have” skills

Now you can mark up to 3 key skills from the mentioned key skills as “must have“. Candidates with these must have skills will be rated higher in apply relevance.

How it works?

In the key skills section, choose the appropriate skills. To make the skills as “must have” you have to click on the star mark provided against the respective key skill.

Maximum of 3 skills can be made “must have key skills”.   

This will give your job better visibility in front of relevant jobseekers.

Improved visibility of filters

Now you can apply personalized application filters (PAF) with ease and get more relevant applies matching your requirement. The responses that match the filters will be rated higher than others.

How it works?

You can apply filters like location, industry etc.

Improved visibility of questionnaire

Questionnaire for jobseeker is now available upfront in the job posting form. Use the feature to further filter the jobseeker applies.

How it works?

You can add more questions by clicking on the add questions option. These questions will be asked before jobseeker can apply for the job.

Customized premium institutes list of colleges

Define your own list of premium colleges and save as default to use while posting a job. These colleges will act as filter and candidates from only these colleges will be marked as matching.

How it works?

Select premium colleges from the given list of colleges to get highly relevant applicants.

Helps in getting more relevant jobseekers as per desired requirements

Auto-fill of fields based on JD

Using Naukri AI/ML, fields like industry, functional area and role will be pre – filled based on the job description.

How it works?

You just need to fill in the job description and fields like functional area, industry & role will be pre – filled.

Saves precious time & speeds up your hiring process

Improved star ratings feature to help you identify quality talent quickly.

Improved star ratings helps you identify most relevant applies faster.

This happens with a new and advanced matching algorithm leveraging latest AI/ML models that provides much better ranking (Star rating) of applies against a job.