Does your Referral program work for your Recruiters ?
We always make sure that a referral program is so designed that an employee is able to give us good referrals.
However, we often overlook recruiters' comfort while structuring an employee referral program.
Your program may turn out be a failure, if you fail in justifying comfort of either employees or recruiters. The challenge here is to make both ends meet and provide a perfect platform for both the parties.
How can you make your referral program a success for your recruiters?
1. Automated Referral Tracking System:
It’s time to... Read More
Get more with Employee Referrals - Engage Better, Hire Better
Try out the unique ways to invite referrals
Your Employees can now share jobs with friends in multiple ways -
Share on Social Media in 1-click
Send Referral Jobs to Gmail and LinkedIn friends
Share on mobile to whatsapp, other messengers
Upload Referral CVs on your branded page
Target the right audience and increase the recall value
Invite referrals from a specific department to increase the relevant responses
Share the launch kit PPT with the employees before the referral launch
Set automatic reminders for... Read More