Introducing Bulk Email Feature
Naukri Referral allows Bulk emailing to your Employees using the Enterprise Referral system. The feature is aimed at providing easy way to email employees in bulk.
How this works -
Allows recruiter to upload emails in bulk - upto 1.5Lac emails
Previously uploaded lists can also be reuses
Why we prefer xlsx format ahead of xls format -
We allow both .xlsx and .xls formats for file uploads but prefer .xlsx file format more.
Why so ?
The reason is simple -
When you upload almost 1.5L emails in a single xlsx file, the file... Read More
Now, Boost your Referral Email Open Rates !
Use one of our innovative Subject lines.
Data suggests - sending the same subject line over and over again decrease the value of your referral email. Why ?
Your employees tend to get tired of the same stuff
Same subject line over a period of time may add to spam score
(decreasing delivery rates)
Certain words may not fit well with your Employee referral theme
Most importantly, you may run our of ideas for innovative subject lines
So, what can be done ?
We have now provided a list of top subject lines that will help increase your... Read More