Quick steps to get started with NaukriRecruiter

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1. Activate your profile and go visible

Jobseekers will not be able to discover you unless you verify your primary email and activate your profile. Click on the email verification link sent to you to activate your account

2. Upload your recent personal photograph

Your profile views will be 6X and your follower network will be 5X if your personal photo is uploaded in your account.
Read Why you should have your photograph on NaukriRecruiter.

Login using your primary Email ID at http://naukrirecruiter.naukri.com. Upload your recent personal photograph to increase visibility and credibility of your hiring profile.
Learn How to upload photo.

3. Update Sectors, Roles and Skills you generally hire for

To enable relevant job-seekers to find you, mention functional areas, industries, clients, skills or roles that you generally hire for. Jobseeker will follow your profile for job-updates or send you personalized message based on this information.

4. Invite job-seekers to follow your profile

Using your profile, you can build a highly valuable private database of jobseekers that are following your profile for job-updates.This database belongs exclusively to you and stays with you even if you change jobs.
So go ahead, and invite job-seekers you have interviewed or placed in the past to follow your profile.

5. Post Quick-Jobs

Regularly post jobs that you are currently hiring for. Jobs that you post on your profile (i.e. Quick-Jobs) are sent as an email alert to all jobseekers following your profile for job-updates. Your profile will also rank higher in Recruiter Search if you post jobs regularly and are actively updating your profile.
Learn 7 effective ways to close requirements using Quick-Jobs.

6Personalize your NaukriRecruiter Account

  • Add your work email ID as your secondary email address in your account. This will link your NaukriRecruiter profile to your Naukri Super-User/Sub-User account, with which you post jobs on Naukri.com.
  • Customize your Public Profile URL.
  • Add a NaukriRecruiter badge to your emails and blogs so that people can visit your NaukriRecruiter profile.
  • Set preferences to receive private messages from jobseekers of your choice only.
  • Track jobseeker messages and applications in your personalized Inbox.

Also, check frequently asked questions about NaukriRecruiter.

Vridhi Chowdhry
Naukri Product Team