Why should you have your photograph on NaukriRecruiter?

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1.  Build your personal brand
Your photograph makes your profile easily recognizable. It distinguishes you from other recruiters of similar name.


2.  Increase your follower network
Your follower network will be 5x larger if you have uploaded your photograph than if you haven’t.

3. Enhance credibility of your Naukri.com jobs and Resdex emails
Jobs on Naukri.com get 40% more responses if they have recruiter photo attached. Resdex emails get 11% more responses with photo profile attached. By adding a face behind your name, the credibility of your jobs and emails is enhanced.

4. Improve your profile visibility
Your recruiter profile gets 6x more views from interested job-seekers, and responses to your Quick-Jobs increase by 5x, if your profile has a photograph.

So start building your personal hiring brand by uploading your photograph today!

How to upload photograph on your NaukriRecruiter profile?

Check out Top reasons why recruiters add photo to their NaukriRecruiter profiles.

Vridhi Chowdhry
Naukri Product Team