FAQ – Personalized Application Filters

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1. What are ‘Personalized Application Filters’ in Job Posting ?

At times, shortlisting the right candidates becomes tedious for Recruiters because:

  • Some of the Responses may not match the requirement(s) for the posted job.
  • Too many Responses may lead to recruiter missing out on relevant candidates.

Recruiters can now apply ‘Personalized Application Filters’ to their Job Posting(s).

Only those Responses that match these filters will be sent on Recruiter’s email id(s) and marked as ‘Matched applications’ in Online Response Manager.

2. How will Application Filters benefit Recruiters ?

  • Recruiters can now completely control through filters what applications get marked as ‘Matched applications’.
  • Receive and view Only Relevant Responses on email/Online response manager for easier and faster shortlisting.

3. How can I apply Application Filters to my Job Posting ?

You can apply Personalized Application Filters immediately after posting the job or anytime later by editing a Job.
Only those Responses that match your defined filters will come to your mentioned email. Also, matched responses will be separately shown in your Naukri Online Response Manager (BRV /eApps). Rest of the applications will still be available in the “Unmatched” folder of the Response Manager.Know more on Personalized Application Filters for your Job Posting.
Watch a video to learn how to apply Application Filters.

4. How can I view my Other/Unmatched responses ?

All responses outside/not matching your filter criteria will still be available in the Unmatched Folder of your Naukri online Response Manager(BRV/eApps).

5. What application filters should I apply to my Job Posting ?

Personalized Application Filters are meant to screen out all Unmatched responses and send only matching responses to your email.Therefore, Filters should be applied for ‘ Must Meet ‘ Requirements Only to ensure your matched applies are not too low.For example – if the recruiter requirement is Candidates with

  • 4 and 5 star Rated applications (New Filters) Learn more
  • 3 – 5 years experience AND
  • From location – Bangalore AND
  • B.Tech. Mechanical only

then filters should be applied for Location, Experience and Education.

But if educational qualification requirement is flexible and only location and experience are must meet requirements, then it is recommended to not apply filter on education.

6. Personalized Application Filters can be applied on which all Fields ?

You can currently apply Application Filters on one or more of the following six fields –

  • Star Rating (New Filters) Learn more
  • Location
  • Functional Area
  • Industry
  • Education
  • CTC
  • Experience

7. What is Star rating Filter ? 

(New Filters) Learn more
When a candidate applies to your job posting, Naukri matches the candidate profile with the job parameters like Job Title, Experience, location, Keywords etc. and provides a relevance rating to the candidate CV for that job.
This relevance rating (Star rating) can be 1 star to 5 star – 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest.
You will now be able to set filters on Star rating as well.
For example –  you would be able to define that only 4 star and 5 star rated CVs should be available as matched responses.


8. Will these Filters be shown to Jobseekers ?

No, these filters will NOT be shown to jobseekers.

The filter values as specified by you will be used to screen and send only matching responses to your email.

9. What if I forgot to apply Application Filters while posting the Job ?

You can apply Application Filters while posting the job or anytime later by editing a job.Filters can also be applied from “Manage Jobs and Responses Page” by clicking on the ‘Add/Modify Filter’ link below the Job Title.

9. Can I change the Applications Filters to my job posting ?

Yes, you can change your Application Filters applied to your Job Posting anytime while the posting is active.

10. How many times can I change my Filters ?

Filters on a Job Posting can be edited/modified any number of times while the job is active. Please note that the Application responses in your response Manager will be treated as Matched/Unmatched on the basis of the filter(s) that were applied during the time they were applied.

If you have any feedback for us, please email us  here (support@naukri.com)

Ankur Agarwal
Naukri Product Team