How to drive more responses using Insta Recruit?

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How to use Insta Recruit effectively

Insta Recruit is designed to save you time in your recruitment process. Here are some basic tips to draw more responses from Jobseekers using Insta-Recruit.

  1. The text of the SMS should contain the essential pieces about a Job (Job profile, skills required, experience, and location).
  2. Clarity of the context should not be compromised even while using the SMS lingo (only remove the vowels where common abbreviations are not found).
  3. Minimize using special characters in the text of the SMS, some special characters cannot be displayed on low range Mobile Handsets.
  4. Draft the SMS in the text box given here rather than copy pasting from a word editor, this ensures that no html characters are part of the content and message can be displayed correctly.
  5. Your company name is visible in the Mobile emulator on the construct SMS page. If company name isn’t sounding right contact your sales representative and provide them with the desired name within the allocated characters-18 characters.
  6. You can send longer SMS if you use the without apply functionality. Care should be taken to provide accurate contact information – email id or Phone/Mobile Number in the SMS. Candidates would be able to contact you only on the mentioned details in the SMS.

Regards, team