Increase responses from jobseekers: Use Naukri ExpressCV

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When you e-mail job opportunities to candidates you would like to see prompt responses from interested jobseekers. However, many a time, jobseekers are unable to send you a response – because either they don’t have their CV at that moment with them, or don’t have internet access, or are unable to reply from their workplace computers. Because of all these reasons, you might end up getting less number of responses from interested candidates.

We decided to solve this problem. We have now made it possible for jobseekers to email their CV to you via one simple SMS. At anytime. From anywhere. Instantly.

Next time you contact any jobseeker for a job opportunity, ask them to send an SMS FWD <your e-mail ID> to 56070. will instantly deliver their CV to your inbox. For instance, if your e-mail ID is, ask the jobseekers to simply SMS FWD to 56070.

Now jobseekers do not need access to a computer, Internet or even e-mail to send their CV to you! All they need is a mobile phone.

This should increase the number of relevant responses to the vacancies advertised by you and help you recruit faster from options galore.