Use your Questionnaires as screening filters

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Use your Questionnaires as screening filters

Introducing another smart way to manage relevance of applies for Naukri Jobs.

Questionnaire attached to a job can now be used to define filters and
only matching responses will qualify to be sent on email and shown in response manager as matched responses.

Can I really automate it ?

Your questionnaire  is not just a way to screen manually.
You can also automate your matching process.  For this, you need to first attach a questionnaire to your job.
Learn how to attach a questionnaire to in quick steps

How to apply questionnaire filter

  1. Applicable to eApps/CSM jobs only (not applicable to BRV jobs)
  2. In case user has attached a questionnaire to a job, PAF page will display questions and their answers.
  3. User can choose one or more desired answers basis which matching is to be defined.
  4. All question types (radio button, dropdown and check boxes) can be converted to filters except for text box type questions.Questionnaire as a filter

For any queries, please contact us at

Happy Smart hiring !
Naukri Team