Is your Referral program not working well enough !
Read on to know where you may be going wrong.
Not Including any Referral Incentive
Incentive is the Biggest Motivation for your employees!
Yes, studies have shown when you add a referral incentive (monetary or non-monetary) to the referred job, you get MORE and BETTER QUALITY responses.
Not adding a reminder for your employees
Yes! It can cost you some quality responses. Employees may be pre-occupied and may not respond the very first time when the email is sent.
Sending reminder email can help them retain this task in their list and in turn help you get more responses.
So every time you create a referral email, do not forget to add reminders for your employees. At the same do not overdo it; one reminder for 2 day or 4 days later should be sufficient.
Read Referral Reminders | Schedule Intelligent Reminders, Get more applies
Sending mails to Group Email-ids
Adding Group Email ids can be an EASIER way for you to send the mail, but could create a fuss when you wish to track these responses and give them a referral incentive. HOW?
When you send a referral email to a group email id say for example you sent email to “Delhi team”. Now let’s say you have 30 employees in this team and 10 employees have sent their friend’s CV. However, while tracking you would only be able to view that “Delhi team” has given 10 referrals.
Employee-wise tracking will be lost.
Hence, to track your responses easily, never add Group email id, instead use individual employee email ids.
Read Why you should not use a group email-id forsending referral emails?
Sending Emails from your own email-id
Flooded with Employee referral responses in your Inbox?
Using your own email id opens up the opportunity for the employees to reply to your Email-id.
Avoid sending the referral email from your individual official email id.
Send it from a generic/common email(example: hr@company.com or referrals@company.com ) email id.
This tends to decrease the number of responses back to the email id and in turn all your responses will come to your response manager in one place .
This way you can easily track all your responses in ‘Track Referral’ module.
Choosing Email as your Response manager
One of the common mistakes recruiter does is that he chooses ‘Email’ as her response manager while posting a vacancy. When you choose email as your response manager, you are directing all the employee responses to your email id.
This would:
a) Flood your inbox with responses, and
b) Make it very difficult for you to filter and track responses
This in turn could cost you some quality responses.
Thus, in order to easily track and filter your responses, always use the advanced response manager (eApps/CSM) instead of ‘Email’ .
For any queries, please contact us at support@naukri.com