More information for recruiters, More power to recruiters!

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We are enriching the amount of information we provide you about a candidate on the search
results page. This will help you take a more informed decision to consider, or not consider,
a resume for your particular mandate. So what are these new pieces of information?

One, we will inform you whether or not the candidate has a verified email-id. A verified
email-id is a signal that the resume is not a fake one, and that it belongs to a job-seeker
serious about his profile/resume and his job search. It is not a guarantee, but it is a good
signal, and will help you make a better judgment to view or not view the resume.

Two, we will be informing you of the number of times the resume of a candidate has been
downloaded by recruiters.  We already show the number of resume views on the Search Result
Page and now, combined with the number of resume downloads, it provides you powerful
For example, a high download/view ratio is a broad signal that the resume is likely to contain
genuine and appropriate data, and that other recruiters, at large, found it worthy of
downloading it for further consideration; And a low download/view ratio indicates that
recruiters, at large, did not find it worthy of downloading it for further consideration.
You can then exercise your judgment to view or not view the resume.

Refer the image below.

Verified Email Icon

Verified Email Icon

Moreover, we are introducing one more new feature – you will now have the power to be able
to contribute towards improving the quality of resumes in the database. We are introducing
the ‘Report Resume’ link on each resume, using which you can inform us if you believe the
resume is fake/junk, or has invalid contact information, or is a duplicate resume. This
information will help us provide you with ever increasing quality of resumes in the database.

Refer the image below.

Report Resume Link

Report Resume Link

We look forward to these new features and tools improving your productivity and efficiency
at finding the right candidates for your mandates