Finding a perfect candidate is like finding a needle in the haystack!
In our numerous conversations with recruiters, we learnt that if the ‘Resume Screening’ step is optimized, the entire hiring process can become a lot smoother and efficient for them. This is where Applicant Insights comes into play!
Applicant Insights will help recruiters find their target candidate faster and with ease.
It provides recruiters with an instant and easy to understand view of the available candidate pool against specific sourcing criteria like salary, notice period, skills, present company, experience, location and more and empowers them to discover and analyze patterns to drive their screening decisions.
For a modern day recruiter, the new Applicant Insights go beyond the obvious functional benefits. It will help them:
- Develop a deeper understanding of the applicant pool
- Reduce the overall screening time and take a data driven approach to screening
- Position their job openings better by understanding the overall market
- Understand the realities of available talent
For example, many times recruiters tend to prefer candidates coming from organizations which have similar structure, domain, skill requirements etc to their organization. Applicant Insights implicitly matches the company type of the recruiters and finds candidates from similar company types, thus saving essential time and increasing efficiency.
Another use case of Applicant Insights is where recruiters can now instantly understand whether the majority of the relevant applicants are below or above the prescribed budget and use this information to either work closely with the hiring manager on reworking the screening criteria or draft their negotiation strategies.
The new Applicant Insights provide you with a comprehensive view on key factors such as:
Salary and Notice period

Skills and location

Companies from where the candidates are applying and their experience distribution

This is one of the many upcoming updates by Stay tuned for more updates..
For any queries or suggestions, contact us at