Do you wish to promote your brand to jobseekers? Do you have a great workplace you want to tell people about? Does your company boast of a great work culture?
The jobs you post on Naukri can now do all this for you! Naukri Job Posting has become even more powerful. Our new showcase feature with Job Posting product, allows you to add photos and presentations to your job.
The following changes now make photo/presentation feature even more powerful –
1. Upload photos and presentation to the job directly
Previously only super user could add photos/ppt to the repository. Recruiters could use the photos/ppt uploaded by super-user, and add that to their job from the job posting page.
Now one can directly upload photos/presentation to the job posting from their computer. Links for ‘Upload Photo(s)’ and ‘Upload Presentation’ have been added to the job posting form.
Clicking on ‘Upload Photo/Presentation’ link would open the module to upload photos/presentation to job.
Not only would the photo/presentation be attached to your job, it will now be available in your repository as well.
2. Even sub-user can now upload photos and presentation to the job posting
Previously only super-user had rights to upload photos/presentation to the repository; sub-users could only attach them to the job posting. This often turned out to be a limiting factor in many cases.
Not anymore! Now even sub-users can directly upload photos and presentation to the job.
3. Upload upto 20 photos in the repository
Now that sub-users would also be uploading photos to job/repository, you would require greater storage space in repository.
This is exactly what we offer now! Previously only 10 photos could be uploaded to the repository, but that limit has been increased to 20.
4. Photo/ppt icon would be shown to jobseekers on search results page
Now, how does the branding proposition exactly work? Well, it’s quite simple. We now show an icon on search result page to indicate that the job has photo/presentation attached.
Sounds Good ! Let us know your feedback for making this product even better for your usage.
1800-102-5558, 91-120-4868900
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Abhijeet Anand
Naukri Product Team