Elevating Security and Experience: Introducing Mandatory Mobile Verification for New Subusers

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We are thrilled to announce a significant enhancement to our system, reinforcing security measures and elevating user experience reliability. This update introduces a mandatory mobile verification process for all new subusers, ensuring heightened protection for their Naukri accounts and securing access to our services.

What is the update?

  1. New Subuser Verification: When new subusers log into their Naukri accounts, they will encounter a verification step post entering their credentials, applicable to both web and app logins.
  2. Verification Process: Users must provide their mobile number and input the received One-Time Password (OTP) to complete verification.
  3. Unverified Numbers: Phone numbers already verified within the same company cannot be re-verified by subusers.
  4. Superuser Intervention: Superusers can edit subusers’ phone numbers from the Manage User page.
  5. Re-Verification: Edited phone numbers are treated as unverified, necessitating re-verification by the subuser.
  6. Client Support: Our support team will promptly address client concerns about account access restrictions due to verification, forwarding such issues to the product team.

Why was this update done? Mandatory mobile verification for new subusers is a preemptive security step, bolstering account safety and curbing unauthorized access.

Who gets impacted? The update currently applies to new subusers.
Existing subusers and superusers will undergo the verification process in subsequent phases.